Table of Contents & Intro to Freeman (2.8 MB)
Find the products you're looking for, and see how far Freeman has come in 110 years with all we have to offer!

Flat & Rotary Dieboards (2.6 MB)
We offer the most comprehensive inventory of flat dieboards in the industry, in stock and ready for same-day shipping. Our rotary dieboard offering includes over 100 diameters from the finest mills, with the tightest ID tolerances.
Included Products
- Flat Premium Birch - UltraFlat Maple - ProForm Composite - Recycled XP Rotary

Flat & Rotary Steel Rule (6.8 MB)
Bohler, Martin Miller, Helmold, and Speedi-Tear are all featured in our extensive offering of Steel Rule. We also showcase our new 14/4 and Shallow Profile Rule, new in 2020!
Included Products
- Bohler Universal - Helmold Lazer Blade - Bohler ProCut - 14/4 Wide and Flat Top - Speedi-Tear

Ejection Rubber & Adhesives (2.2 MB)
We offer Ejection Rubber in strips, pieces, boxes, and sheets in a variety of cuts. Microcell, Open Cell, and Closed Cell are all offered. The adhesives featured are specifically designed for the steel rule die industry.
Included Products
- ReBound™ SuperJect - Microcell Rubber - Open & Closed Cell - Adhesives

Punches, Matrix, & Counterplate (1.5 MB)
These accessories are available from Freeman and your one-stop shop for steel rule die supplies.
Included Products
- Pace Punches - Bobst Matrix - MatchPlate & Bits - Rillma Flex

Hardware (3.2 MB)
This section includes hardware for flat diemaking, rotary diemaking, stripping, countercutting, and more. |
Included Products
- Mallets - Rotary Hardware - Stripping Hardware - Tools & Equipment

Appendix (2 MB)
Conversion Charts, Dieboard.com and Freeman 360° information, and a list of our Locations.
