Cushion Crease

Used primarily on rotary tooling, Cushion Crease mounts on both sides of 90° scores to reduce cracking and improve scoring on corrugated board. The 60-65 durometer Cushion Crease crushes the corrugated fluting, allowing proper scoring and better folding.

Available plain black, colored stripes, Shoulder Flex, and NEW full-color. Full-color available with custom printing.

Freeman Cushion Crease (Solid Colors)

Solid colors with printed height identification, as well as customized logo printing at no extra charge

Kushion Krease (Colored Stripe)

Unique colored stripes to recognize height at a glance

Kushion Krease (Shoulder Flex)

G-profile cushion crease that provides "flex" at the score line

Kushion Krease (Flexi-Crease)

Unique colored stripes to recognize height at a glance
