Bohler Flat Creasing Rule - Closeouts

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SKU Description UM List Price Closeout Price On Hand Qty Location Qty
57103910 Bohler Specialty Profile Crease - 1 on 2PT, 0.918" FT $1.15 $0.54 1290 MC
57105990 Bohler Double Round Crease - 2PT, 0.880" FT $0.37 $0.34 200 MC
57106795 Bohler Double Round Crease - 2PT, 0.890" EZ-Coil Clockwise FT $0.38 $0.35 1640 MC
57106795 Bohler Double Round Crease - 2PT, 0.890" EZ-Coil Clockwise FT $0.38 $0.35 928 E
57110315 2PT CREASE 0.906 MH DISPENSER COIL FT $0.67 $0.61 300 E
57110465 2PT CREASE 0.906 CLOCKWISE COIL FT $0.62 $0.56 3600 E
57111985 2PT CREASE 0.910 39" FT $0.62 $0.56 656 MC
57113830 Bohler Double Round Crease - 2PT, 0.912" Meter Strips FT $0.44 $0.36 984 MC
57115930 2PT CREASE 0.915 METER LENGTHS BOHLER FT $0.44 $0.40 701 MC
57117830 Bohler Double Round Crease - 2PT, 0.918" Meter Strips FT $0.34 $0.28 266 MC
57119435 2PT CREASE 0.921 39" FT $0.34 $0.31 1394 MC
57133035 3ON2PT CREASE 0.906 CLOCKWISE COIL FT $2.05 $1.87 800 E
57133355 3ON2PT CREASE 0.908 CLOCKWISE COIL FT $2.05 $1.87 200 E
57146155 3PT CREASE 0.915 39" FT $0.89 $0.81 394 MC
57155590 Bohler Specialty Profile Crease - 4 on 2PT, 0.907" FT $2.01 $1.84 318 MC
57155750 Bohler Specialty Profile Crease - 4 on 2PT, 0.910" FT $2.12 $1.93 115 MC
57156230 Bohler Specialty Profile Crease - 4 on 2PT, 0.918" FT $2.01 $1.84 25 MC
57168084 4PT CREASE 1.1875 25-1/2"ID FT $1.11 $1.01 400 MA

Warehouse Legend:

= Avon, OH
E = Lititz, PA
F = Roseville, MI
H = Milwaukee, WI

J = Fort Worth, TX
L = Santa Fe Springs, CA
P = Portland, OR
T = Mocksville, NC
